Running an Experiment

This guide will walk you through running an experiment using the LLaMA2 chat-based model in combination with a simplified prompt template. The experiment setup leverages the rupsycho library along with the HuggingFace transformers pipeline.


The experiment involves loading a pre-trained LLaMA2 model, setting up a prompt template, and running the experiment to generate responses. Finally, the results are exported to a file for further analysis.

Steps to Run the Experiment

  1. Create an Experiment

    First, create an experiment using the rup.example_experiment_bfi() function, which sets up a Big Five Inventory (BFI) questionnaire.

    import rupsycho as rup
    # Step 1: Create an experiment from a dictionary or using an existing method
    experiment = rup.example_experiment_bfi()  # Example setup for BFI questionnaire
  2. Load the LLaMA2 Chat-Based Model

    Load the LLaMA2 model using the HuggingFace pipeline. This model will be used for generating responses based on the prompt.

    from transformers import pipeline
    from langchain.chains import HuggingFacePipeline
    # Step 2: Load the LLaMA2 chat-based model
    pipe = pipeline("text-generation", model="meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct")
    model_local = HuggingFacePipeline(pipeline=pipe)
  3. Add the Model to the Experiment

    Add the loaded LLaMA2 model to the experiment.

    # Step 3: Add the local LLaMA2-based model to the experiment
  4. Define the Prompt Template

    Create a simplified prompt template that will be used by the model to generate answers.

    from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
    # Step 4: Define the simplified prompt template
    user_message_template = "{general_instruction} {persona_description} was asked: {question} Options: {answer_options} Answer:"
    chat_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([
        ("user", user_message_template)
  5. Set the Prompt in the Experiment

    Set the defined prompt in the experiment.

    # Step 5: Set the prompt in the experiment
  6. Set a Parser (Optional)

    Optionally, set a parser to process the output. If no parser is set, a default string parser will be used.

    from rupsycho.parser import BasicParser
    # Step 6: Optionally set a parser (if not set, a default will be used)
    basic_parser = BasicParser()
  7. Run the Experiment

    Run the experiment to generate responses based on the prompt and model.

    # Step 7: Run the experiment
  8. Export the Results

    After running the experiment, export the results to a file in JSON format for further analysis.

    # Step 8: Export the results to a file


By following these steps, you can easily set up and run an experiment using a LLaMA2 chat-based model. The experiment involves defining a prompt template, processing the input with a model, and exporting the generated responses for further analysis.